Member-only story
From on a voice recording made in September 2018 of Kamala Wadu. Some names have been changed. This version has been approved by Kamala, regarding the almost miraculous recovery of her daughter, Chinko from a brain infection. Since then, Chinko at the time of writing is a successful practicing medical doctor in Australia, as is her son who completed his medical training there. For hope and inspiration.
This. happened about 23 years ago. My son-in-law had gone on his sabbatical leave to the UK and was working at the Sterling Royal Infirmary in Scotland as a Gynecologist. My daughter had just finished her final exam and had gone with their baby son to join her husband in Sterling.
It all happened during the Sinhala New Year time of that year. It was the 14th of April and we were in Sri Lanka. We were involved with the New Year celebrations and were about to light the hearth when almost suddenly we received a call to say that Chinko was ill, she was in a coma in hospital.
This happened on a Sunday and so somehow, we moved heaven and earth and got the tickets to England and were on the plane the next day, a Monday night. When we got to Scotland she was already in hospital. She was at the Glasgow Southern General Hospital in the Neurological Centre and we rushed straight there.
We were by her bedside. I called her name and spoke to her. At the time she looked at me, heaved a sigh of relief and turned the other way, closed her eyes and went to sleep. Somehow, I felt that she had some…